Thursday, February 14, 2008

Pictures, Pictures, and more Pictures...


Alrighty then...

Let's get down to business...this post is for those of you who only want to see pictures and never read the blog anyway...(i've actually been going through quite a rough patch, but if you really want to hear about it, just email me...kind of depressing, and not as fun as pictures)...

So here goes...

my dearest and best friend in Maui, Ananda, recently packed up herself and her dog and drove across country with her friend Eric (pictured) to move back to Portland, Maine...about as far away in the US from me that she could possibly be...i miss her terribly. We used to go over to the other side of the island and eat pizza...

...and go to Big Beach...

and visit her friends, Jared & Kitty, who are engaged and live in Kihei...

...and the one nice thing about rain is it brings rainbows...

...this is from my cabin...

...and when it was dry out, I would go running...i have a little loop down to the airport, and one day...

...i met this Austrian guy named Hans. He's great. He and his partner own a small glider plane called an ultralite...and one day...

...they gave me a ride up in the sky. Tiny, tiny plane. Lots of wind. Mildly scary take-off and landing...

...but the views...

...were definitely...

...worth it. Amazing. And it wasn't raining!

These clouds came out after one long, long, long day of rain...

...but the pictures don't do them justice. They were like a painting. It was incredible.

But alas, they don't call it rainy season for nothing, and after about THREE WEEKS of not seeing the sun...

...or blue sky...or even having a break...(it rained for nine days straight without a, all day, and all night, without end)...

...I was about ready to put myself on a minor suicide watch. Seriously, it looks like fog in the pictures, but that's just how hard it was raining. I was going stir-crazy, to put it mildly...

But FINALLY, after I thought of just quitting my job and buying a plane ticket home, the sun finally broke through...and what an awesome day it was. i had just finished a long day of baking and could see blue sky, when a friend from the other side of the island stopped by with their dad and rescued me.

We drove around, jumped in the water......and laughed til our insides hurt.
it was probably the best therapy i've ever had in my life.

The scenery didn't really hurt either.

It was an absolutely fantastic day, and it was good for me to remember...

...that you don't get waterfalls like these without the rain.

my friend gave me this sand dollar before i left the city, and it reminds me of some great times.
And even though I live in a place where i can go to beautiful, amazing beaches like this, even those don't make up for the fact that i just lost my best friend here and my housing arrangement and my job, and now i have to start all over... favorite candy is NERDS, and sometimes it cheers me up (I can never get them in Hana, so this was a rare occasion that i found some at the gas station). But not much is going well, so if you feel like sending me a big box full of NERDS, or maybe just a picture or a letter or an email or a phone call, that would probably help me tremedously. i am moving out of my cabin this afternoon, so wish me luck!
Love you all, and Mahalo for your love for me....i know this is all gonna work out somehow, and i'm looking forward to the results....