Friday, August 17, 2007

This is the Life...


Um, yeah, today was a good day...maybe even great...maybe so far as excellent...yup. That sounds good. An Excellent day.

I am laying on my bed in my cabin, listening to Pearl Jam, in my swimsuit and jeans, with a good internet connection and a plumeria tucked behind my ear, my hair still damp from the saltwater.

Nice, right?

So, a blustery couple of days with Hurricane Flossie rolling by, I have been staying in, doing laundry, reading, cleaning my cabin, playing on the computer, watching movies, and burning CD's (somehow, I arrived in Maui without ANY music...if you feel like making me a cool mix, please, PLEASE, do so, and send it ASAP...that would make my day) because it has been nothing but cloudy skies and rain the last couple of days. Yesterday we saw some sun and it looked like it would be a nice Friday today, but I woke up to screaming birds and a cloudy sky--boo! So I ended up going to the kitchen with Paul and learning how to actually make the banana bread. Oh yeah, I can do it all now...hee he :)

After seeing some sun break through around 1 o'clock, I jumped into a swimsuit, hopped into the truck, and headed over to Hamoa beach. The sun completely disappeared on my way through town, and I was totally disappointed as rain droplets started hitting the windshield. Figuring it might pass over, I stopped at Hasegawa store for some beer and mosquito repellent and made a phone call (one of the few places in Hana that I get reception). After a ten minute phone call and no change in the weather, I just decided to go to the beach's not like I have a free afternoon and the truck every day, and it is Maui, which means the water is still warm even if it's raining, so I went for it. The beach looked pretty dreary when I got there, and the surf was really rough (a holdover from the hurricane), and after getting tumbled a couple of times, I almost gave up and just wrote it off as a bad day for the beach...However, I gave it another try, and after swimming out past the break, a beautiful sun broke through the clouds, and it turned into a gorgeous afternoon. The sun comes out and everything just becomes amazing....the water turns so green and clear and you can see the bottom and the light makes everything sparkle and it was so nice to feel the heat on my skin after nothing but rain and wind for three days.

After swimming for about an hour and meeting some people who had stopped by the stand earlier in the day, I walked up the path and was just hanging out enjoying the view before I left. I ended up meeting an older local guy who i recognized because he drives his little motorbike past the stand regularly, and he had a couple cold Bud Lights and gave me one and I chatted with him for a while, which was cool. It is always nice meeting the locals and getting to know what is what in a new place. Now I am chillin in my cabin, still salty and in my swimsuit, feeling very content...

...EXCEPT for missing everyone terribly. Wish there was someone here right now who I could make some dinner for and then we could open a couple of cold beers and watch a movie...if this sounds like a good time, then hurry up and get your a** over to Maui and let's make it happen! Can't wait for my first visitors! I will be a banana bread PRO by then!