Tuesday, August 7, 2007

First Day In Maui

After staying up half the night with friends and rushing home for last minute details, I left all my stress at the car door as my friend gave me a ride to the airport and my check-in was effortless. Needless to say, due to lack of sleep, I slept almost the entire time of the 5-hour direct flight to Kahalui, Maui.

-----A HUGE toad just hopped across the floor of the cabin and Paul just caught him and put him outside (toads freak Paul out)--ha!

So, Paul is one of the owners of the property, and he picked me up at the airport and we hopped on the Hana Highway with his dog Aki after running a few errands.

If you've never driven the Hana Highway, it's one of those crazy, hair-pin, twisty, windy roads that just keeps turning into better and better views around every corner...and makes you sick to your stomach if you're susceptible to that sort of thing.

Everything was feeling pretty idyllic and we finally drove up to the banana bread stand and up the hill to the house. Rebekah (another girl who does landscaping and works at the stand) was just moving the last of her stuff out of the cabin, and as we're chatting, I suddenly realize (about ten minutes too late) my FATAL, terrible mistake...

...and then it was too late, my odds against the SWARMS of mosquitoes were completely destroyed. In 3 minutes I had about 20 bites and couldn't even concentrate because the itching was making my brain melt.

HOW ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH DID I FORGET MY BUG SPRAY!? Oh wait, I forgot to even freakin' buy any before I left...stupid, stupid, stupid. So now I'm sitting here; tired, itching, hungry, and sweaty, but ultimately happy with beer in hand (cold, even!) and a new adventure in front of me.

Missing the city and the pub and, most of all, the people...write, call, or email when you get a chance!