Thursday, November 15, 2007


So, we have been without internet for the last couple of think this would happen more often out here, but luckily it is a rare occurence...nice to feel connected with the world again though. Things have been going well here, and while we have had some rain, the early afternoons have still been great for beach days, which I have been trying to take full advantange of. I just changed my schedule so I will be working only five days instead of six, and i will have my weekends off! Yippeeeee! This has been a major sticking point for me lately, so I am so glad we were able to hire a new girl to cover my weekend shifts...very happy about that.

So, the latest thing in my cabin has been mice and rats. WARNING: if you are easily grossed out, STOP reading. So, we have like seven cats on the property, and lately, almost every other morning, I wake up to find entrails on my kitchen floor from rats or mice that the cats have killed...not a nice way to wake up, let me tell ya. The other day, I was carrying my hamper into my room and I couldn't figure out why the cat wouldn't stop meowing...and then I stepped on the dead mouse that it was trying to show me (which I didn't see because i was carrying the hamper in front of me)--yeah, talk about a freakout session....i. just. stepped. on. a. dead. mouse. GROSS. And then, the very next morning, I had to make an early phone call to the East coast and as I'm sitting there at 6:30 in the morning, talking to this woman on the phone, the cat comes and drops and dead mouse at my feet. Oh, if she could have only seen me on the other end of the line...then it proceeded to start playing with it, and I high-tailed it out of there. I guess the cats provide an excellent service by keeping my cabin mouse and rat-free, but I have to tell ya, it can be a bit disturbing sometimes. Thankfully, I have never had any gross things in my actual bedroom, just a friendly spider and some geckos (which eat bugs, hallelujah), so at least i can feel pretty comfortable sleeping...

I got sick yesterday, and my head feels like it is stuffed with cottonballs and I can't breathe...I hate sinus infections. I have been sleeping most of the afternoon, and I just had ate some soup and am planning on going back to bed--always the best option when you're sick, right? Hopefully I will get over this quickly, I hate being sick, especially when you have to take care of yourself...

Thanksgiving is coming up, and I think I am spending it with Ananda, probably going to a family's home that she knows and having a big spread...I will terribly miss Thanksgiving with my family, it is always one of my favorite holidays, everyone lounging around the house, the kitchen smelling fantastic, and just hanging out with family and friends.

After that, it is one week more and I am back in the city baby, yeah! I am so looking forward to some time with friends and family...can't wait. Thanks for the comments on the blog, and the emails, it gets pretty quiet and isolated out here, so it is always nice to hear from you, even if it's quick. Love and miss you!