Sunday, September 9, 2007

Busy Weekend

Have you ever gone swimming when it's pouring rain? I don't think i ever have until Friday...I went to Red Sand beach at like 9:30 in the morning (it's my day off, and I can't think of a better way to spend it) was gorgeous and sunny, but it looked like rain in the distance, and the weather in Maui can change very quickly, so i dumped my stuff under a little overhang on the beach where it would stay dry...minutes later, the heavens opened and it was pouring...i was one of the only people on the beach, and i decided to go swimming in the monsoon, and it was awesome! Ten minutes later, everything was sunny and nice again, and that's where i spent the rest of my day.

Went to a weird birthday party that night, and got really sick to my stomach from eating a bag of coconut candy earlier in the day--bad idea, bad time, must sleep. Sat morning was spent reading and napping, working in the afternoon, and then that evening we went to a Hawaiian birthday party for this amazing couple, Uncle Bernie and Auntie LeAnn (everyone older than you (by a decent amount)is Auntie and Uncle). It was Auntie LeAnn's 50th birthday (she looks like she's 35, maybe--beautiful Hawaiian woman), and it was an amazing party. So much food (pu pu's, which means appetizers, or small portions), beautiful lights and a tent and music and everyone was having an awesome time. The Aloha was strong and it was an amazing, welcoming, beautiful event--we even had fireworks!

Not much else going on, starting to plan for my birthday party next week, and my older sister Rachel is coming out to visit and will be here on my birthday and i am so stoked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will be nice to be able to relate my life here to someone in person instead of trying to describe it in words, which definitely fail in describing how amazing this place is. It will be interesting to have a birthday in Hawaii--all the Hawaiians already told me they would bring the food if i got the kegs! Ha, that sounds like a good combo to me!

Anyway, if you feel like emailing, my email that i check the most is if you feel like sending a note, and i will try and get some pics up soon so you can see some of the sights!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey miss you!
It sounds like you have one interesting experience after another. Immediately, we want to tell the jungle thank you for saving our friend Andy. Then, it's that we have to cum visit.
Forget mailing the banana bread we are long over due for some Hawaii time.
Besides all burning man for us....what does that mean? ? So, I attached the email for the camp to explain our lives for the last week.
This doesn't of course include the day of drinking we did yesturday at Golden Gate park@ the power to the peace concert. Fully equiped with friends, music, wine, sake, tequilla, drugs?! and much more till 4 in the morn. Hangover city.
Anyways......back to our original point...we miss you! Thanks for the great blogs and we'll be reading soon.

Sandwich hug,
~Nika and Ron

Hi Camp Validation 07!!!,

Welcome back... 360 days till the man burns......

Nika and I both want you all to know you where in our
thoughts every day. Each morning, Nika and I would
pull up....
in order on my lap top....
Gerlach cam
current playa weather
western us satellite in real time
burning man tv
burningman chronicle bolgs and news
and any other related sites we could find. Then we
would just watch and stare at the screen. This was all
before we even had coffee and go to work.... once at
work,,,, the entire process would be repeated... now
on two computers and throughout the day..... feeling
us yet????? Then home to the lap top.

We moved the guest mattress into the front living room
floor on Friday night (until last night) just to give
us that outdoor experience with the doors open. We
watched the man burn.... both times.... the second
time we were watching him burn live laying in bed
wondering what and who you all were doing? This
continued relentlessly until we got Pete on the phone
late sunday night. Sounds like you guys all had a
wonderful and fulfilling experience and Nika and I
both look forward to you all sharing some of that
playa love with us as we head towards petes decomp and
any other times we can see your playafied selfs..

Nika and Ron