Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Things I learned today...

1. My mosquito net over my bed is not big enough.

2. Hot showers make mosquito bites feel better (for about 10 seconds).

3. There is no greater force in the human brain than the desire to scratch an itch--comparable to the desire to pee when you've been holding it for hours and you think you're going to die--that's what it feels like to have mosquito bites all over your body.

4. I am really, REALLY, really allergic to mosquito welts all over my body--sick.

5. Mosquito bites on your face (especially if you're really allergic and they cause welts to rise on your skin) make you look like a psycho. Sweet. I'm ready to make some awesome first impressions.

6. "They" say that you eventually get used to the mosquitos, but there is no guarantee and the way they look at all my bites (with an extremely doubtful face) makes me totally disbelieve "them."

7. If deet (the main ingredient in bug repellent) is really as bad as people say, I'm going to die of deet poisoning. Awesome.

So, that is all I feel like writing today...I'm going to go take a hot shower...and then reapply bug spray all over my body...bleh. Oh, and if anyone feels like sending me some Deep Woods Off, let me know...I will love you forever.